If you’re not aware that your Small Self is making decisions based on fear, you’ll keep choosing what your Small Self deems certain and secure, even at the expense of your health, happiness, life purpose, and financial potential. It can help to practice the art of spiritual surrender. Surrender your decision to the divine. Ask your soul to help you make your decision. Then, be on the lookout for inner and outer guidance. For example, I was recently trying to decide whether my “soul twin” Dennis and I should lead a writing workshop in Peru. I didn’t want to leave my daughter behind. He had some other commitments. But we had put money down on reserving a space, and we only had 24 hours to get our money back. So we remembered to surrender the decision, ask for help, and watch for signs. About 15 minutes after we made our offering of the workshop to the Divine, I walked into a coffee shop where a big sign literally read, “Say yes to Peru.” I’m not kidding! They were sampling new Peruvian coffee. Within the next 24 hours, I got three “yes” signs. Dennis got two. So yeah, we’re going to be teaching that workshop. Moral of the story: Look for synchronicities, billboards with messages, song lyrics with answers, unexpected emails, and people with messages for you. I’ve even gotten answers from bumper stickers or license plates! Your body is a compass that steers you toward that which is aligned with your soul and guides you against that which is out of alignment. Stay connected to where yours is steering you. People often ask me how you know when it’s time to take a leap of faith. I say that when the pain of staying put exceeds the fear of the unknown, it’s time to leap.

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