One number sequence of note as both an angel number and numerology pattern is 1010. Here’s what you should know if 1010 keeps popping up in your life, according to experts. She adds that angel numbers are considered synchronicities or meaningful coincidences, often appearing during moments when the universe wants us to pay attention to something. “When you see this number, it’s a strong sign from the universe that you are being supported with powerful forces to manifest in your life—whether this is in love, career, health, or a courageous pursuit,” she adds. And as far as the number zero, Michaela says it represents the unbounded power of the universe. “This number is the ‘Universe Number,’ and it signifies the all-encompassing power around you that appears in infinite abundance,” she notes, adding that seeing it reminds you of your potential, your ability to tap into source energy to get what you need, and the fact that you are an important part of a much larger energy force.  How you opt to keep the flame alive in your relationship is of course up to you, but Michaela suggests voicing your gratitude toward each other to start or perhaps planning a special date night. And according to Michaela, the number 1010 does bear significance if you believe you’re in a twin flame relationship. “1010 shows you that right now, you are rapidly accelerating your soul’s evolution, and the person you are doing this with is not only a passionate connection but also a symbol of the universe and what’s bigger than us,” she says. Twin flame relationships are seldom easy and are often quite tumultuous. As such, they must be approached mindfully—and this number sequence reminds us of that. “1010 with twin flames is about keeping one foot on the ground while your eyes are in the cosmos,” Michaela says.

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