Eating more veggies, fruits, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts, and seeds instead of meat can have huge implications for your health, and the planet’s health as well. Need some motivation? Here are 8 good reasons to consider: Reducing or eliminating your meat intake has so many benefits. You could feel better physically, mentally, while also helping the planet. If you’re still on the journey of decreasing or eliminating meat from your diet, start taking baby steps today. Meatless Mondays or only eating meat with dinner are two great places to start. Get her free report on how to live more sustainably here.

11 Great Reasons To Eat Less Meat  Without Going Vegan  - 3911 Great Reasons To Eat Less Meat  Without Going Vegan  - 9911 Great Reasons To Eat Less Meat  Without Going Vegan  - 211 Great Reasons To Eat Less Meat  Without Going Vegan  - 49