But before you quit, there’s something you should know: The transition may not be easy or symptom-free. Unfortunately, while the Pill is often prescribed as a “treatment” for issues ranging from out-of-control acne to unbearable PMS, it’s nothing more than a Band-Aid. And while your original symptoms may have seemed to decline when you started the Pill, they haven’t really gone anywhere. Once you quit, they’ll be right where you left them, waiting to make you miserable. In fact, if you’ve been on the Pill for years, they may even be worse. That’s because birth control can totally deplete your system of crucial vitamins and nutrients, wreaking havoc on your gut and creating complete dysbiosis. So now you may feel stuck between a rock and a hard place—staying on the Pill is a problem, but going off of it could cause more problems. Here’s where I (finally) deliver some good news: You can sidestep these hormonal repercussions and set yourself up for success by taking the right steps right now. If you’re not sure what else to add or which foods to ditch, start here. While these tips can help arm you against post-pill symptoms, it’s important to consult your doctor before making any changes to your health care routine.

3 Ways Birth Control Affects Your Body   How To Get Off It - 733 Ways Birth Control Affects Your Body   How To Get Off It - 983 Ways Birth Control Affects Your Body   How To Get Off It - 53 Ways Birth Control Affects Your Body   How To Get Off It - 653 Ways Birth Control Affects Your Body   How To Get Off It - 66