That said, many have been searching for ways to keep their creative juices flowing, whether you’re facing a WFH slump or are simply looking for new ways to get inspired. That’s why we consulted Elizabeth Stein, founder and CEO of Purely Elizabeth; Stein sure knows a thing or two about creativity (especially in the entrepreneurial space), as she’s personally using this time to turn lemons into, well, blueberry lemon oatmeal.  It’s a little more difficult to replicate during our new normal: Travel is limited, not all restaurants are opening their doors, and social distancing is still very much in effect. So Stein looked inward: What was it about her time on the road that truly made her feel so inspired? After some reflection, she realized what truly makes her tick is engaging in something new—exploring restaurants is a plus, sure, but the real kicker is that sense of adventure. “At home, now it’s finding as many new hikes as I can, that newness and space to think,” she explains. Rather than sitting down at a new restaurant, she’s discovering new hiking trails—both of which allow her to slip into a creative mindset.  Her favorite concoction of the moment is a simple broccoli bake: She mixes broccoli, pesto, feta, sun-dried tomatoes, onions, lemon, and capers together and roasts it all in the oven. Casseroles like this are perfect to keep your creative juices flowing—simply chuck whatever yummy ingredients you have on hand into the pan, and you’ve got yourself an easy and delicious meal.  The kitchen is also a place of relaxation for Stein: “It’s my meditative time to not think about anything else other than chopping some vegetables,” she notes. For many, cooking is a lovely way to unwind after a busy day—even before the pandemic—and that relaxation might make room for your creativity to shine.  For her, a moment of self-care is a morning workout or midday walk. “[I need] that time to open my mind and think.” For you, it may look a little different—a yoga flow, morning coffee run, or dinnertime routine—but the key here is focusing on yourself for a time. This oft-mentioned work-life balance is crucial, and a healthy equilibrium can actually lead to better results; if creativity is what you’re looking for, spending some time not thinking about the task at hand can actually be quite helpful. Allow yourself that time to just be, and the benefits will likely pay off.  But if you are looking for ways to spark some new ideas, consider these three tips a sure place to start. What works for Stein may not inspire you the same way, so you may want to approach these as guidelines, not so much as hard-and-fast rules. As Stein tells us, don’t become too caught up in making everything perfect. “It’s all going to work out.”

3 Ways To Stay Creative During COVID 19  From An Entrepreneur - 893 Ways To Stay Creative During COVID 19  From An Entrepreneur - 753 Ways To Stay Creative During COVID 19  From An Entrepreneur - 26