Have you ever walked into a house that was clean and tidy but still felt heavy? Spiritual cleansing addresses those negative vibes that are invisible to the naked eye but hit your intuitive eye like a truck. The water can be added to a spray bottle to spritz in all the corners in each room or any area that feels stuck or stagnant. It can also be added to water that you mop floors with to purify and cleanse the energy from the ground up. Place a charcoal round in a ceramic dish and light it. Once the charcoal is lit, place frankincense resin on top and let the smoke fill your closet. Frankincense has a very light scent, so its smoke will not linger. It will leave a fresh, clean energy once it clears—think of it as an energy-infused candle. Then, add a hematite stone to your closet floor—this will help ground negative vibes. The next time someone is in your home, get ready to hear the ultimate compliment: “Wow, your house feels really good!” I assure you that hearing those words will bring you much joy. Keep reading:

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