Jennifer landed a position at a high-pace Manhattan law firm last year and was determined to pave a steady career path. But that determination often meant 70-hour workweeks, a frantic office environment, and deadlines getting pushed up. Chronic stress took a massive toll on Jennifer’s weight and health. She had put on about 20 pounds, suffered frequent migraines, and developed lower-back pain that was really affecting her quality of life. Jennifer’s physician prescribed a low-sugar diet, some stretches she could do at the office, and Xanax to reduce stress and anxiety, but she wasn’t satisfied with those pat solutions, which is why she visited me. Unfortunately, most doctors overlook a huge reason patients like Jennifer struggle with pain and weight. Yes, diet and exercise are important, but the third pillar of pain management comes from a source few professionals speak about: your brain. The fight-or-flight mechanism is a wonderfully evolved human system that is, until it works against you. If your brain perceives that a physical injury puts you at risk, it often creates pain. And pain signals to the body that something is potentially threatening and informs you that protection is needed. Unfortunately, your brain is extraordinarily adept at noticing even the smallest danger signs—not just physical injuries—and for Jennifer, that “urgent” email triggered a domino effect that ramped up stress hormones and, subsequently, pain. The good news is that you have the power to change how your brain works. Of the many strategies I had Jennifer use to shift her perspective to reduce stress and pain, some of my favorites are: Through nutrition, movement, and mindset, I helped Jennifer dial down stress levels. Where do you begin? You can start by taking my pain quiz here and then instituting these simple but powerful strategies above to reduce stress, eliminate pain, and help you reach your goal weight. Today, Joe’s mission is to create a new paradigm around treating persistent pain and reverse our global pain epidemic. He is the creator of the Healing Pain Online Summit and The Healing Pain Podcast, designed to broaden the conversation around natural strategies toward solving persistent pain. He is also the author of Heal Your Pain Now, a revolutionary program to reset your brain and body for a pain-free life.

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