As a certified yoga instructor and lifelong student of the practice, there are a few yoga poses that I attribute to helping quell my anxiety and bring back my mental fortitude. Child’s pose helps to release tension in the back, neck, and shoulders, which are areas where most people hold a lot of their stress. This pose also helps to promote relaxation by encouraging steady conscious breathing, which is particularly great for anxiety sufferers due to a calming of the sympathetic nervous system and stimulating of the parasympathetics. When not in a yoga class, I often practice tree pose whenever I find myself standing for an extended period of time, like while waiting for the train or standing in line at the grocery store. It’s a great distraction from some of my most common anxiety triggers. Warrior III will also help to calm the mind by shifting your attention away from intrinsic thoughts and redirect your thinking back to yourself. When we increase and stimulate blood flow to our head, one main benefit is the detoxification of our adrenals, which is known to contribute to a decrease in depression as well. This pose can be performed anywhere a wall is present; however, I strongly recommend finding a place of comfort, silence, and serenity to really enjoy the full benefits. You can place a pillow or blanket under your lumbar spine to relieve any lower back pressure as well.

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