After all, money is energy. Think of the word we use for it: currency. We want it to flow. Here are six important feng shui tips for your financial flow:

  1. Fix any leaks. Water in feng shui represents two things: (1) money and (2) your emotions. (Interesting there’s a link.) Why? Again, it’s all about flow. If you have a dripping faucet or a leak in the ceiling that won’t subside, please do everything you can to get them fixed! When you fix something in your home, you are fixing it in your life. You don’t want your money leaking out, do you? (Or your emotions for that matter!)
  2. Close the toilet lid. The toilet holds a downward spiraling energy. When you close the lid, you are protecting chi (energy) from going down and away from you. Again, because of the water analogy, this is especially important! Listen to the language of our world and don’t “flush away” your finances. It’s also a good idea to tie red ribbons on the pipes behind the toilet, with the intention of protecting your finances once and for all.
  3. Spiff up the front entrance. Ah, the oh-so-important front entrance! When it’s attractive and looking its best, you’ll find “opportunity knocking”! Make sure the doorbell works so you can hear “opportunity” when it comes around. Also, the numbers on your house should be extremely visible, so good chi can find you.
  4. Consider symbolism. If you know where the Money section of your home is according to the bagua map, you’re that much further ahead. (According to the Tibetan Black Hat school of feng shui, it’s the back left of your home when facing in from your front door.) Check to see what’s there. Is it cluttered and disorganized? Chances are that your finances are cluttered and disorganized, too. Are there healthy, thriving plants? Chances are your finances are growing. To dial up this section, consider images of trees, sailboats, running horses, flowing water, or anything that represents abundance to you. It’s also a good place to put your spare change. Money attracts money!
  5. Clean your stove. In feng shui, the stove represents abundance. Make sure it’s clean and that you rotate using the burners, as it represents opening up more channels of opportunity.
  6. Work on your personal chi. After implementing the above “cures,” consider your deep-set beliefs about money. What were you told as a child over and over? Are you buying into beliefs that aren’t productive? How do you handle your money? Do you shudder when you pay the bills? The key is to keep your vibration high when considering finances. Although Feng Shui can absolutely help with any destructive subconscious beliefs about money, it’s only part of the equation. Make sure that you’re spending, saving, and giving, and living in gratitude, and watch your finances take that shift you’ve been wanting. Please check out her website for her blog, her on-line courses including the Declutter Your Way to Clarity eCourse, her intensive workshop, the 9-week Feng Shui Journey, and her coaching and consultation packages.

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