But what if fasting doesn’t help you lose weight and actually makes you gain weight? Consider whether any of these seven factors might be at play: You might have some not-so-obvious culprits slipping in that are breaking your fast. For some people, even a little bit of sweetener or cream in their coffee can knock them out of their fast. Not sure what counts? Here’s exactly what breaks a fast. One research review that examined the effects of intermittent fasting on weight loss found that individuals on an alternate day fasting plan typically did not overeat during eating periods, which resulted in mild to moderate weight loss. But for some people, breaking a fast can feel like an invitation to consume massive amounts of high-calorie food. Tracking your food intake along with other measurements—your physical activity or mood levels, for instance—can also help you pinpoint potential obstacles to your success. Among its potential benefits, caffeine has been shown to suppress appetite2 while boosting energy levels. But using coffee as a crutch for poor sleep or managing your mood can mean you’re drinking too much, which can contribute to weight gain over time in some people. Some research has shown that too much caffeine can increase blood glucose levels and prolong those increases, making you less insulin sensitive and more likely to store fat. Those foods and drinks will spike and crash your insulin levels, sending you on a blood sugar roller coaster that leaves you hungry and moody during your fasting hours. When you eat matters, but so does what you eat. During your eating hours, ensure you’re getting plenty of fiber, protein, and good fats from sources like vegetables, fruits, quality meats and fish, nuts and seeds, and olive oil. Here’s a foolproof meal plan for fasting, so you know exactly what to eat and when. Play with that window and gradually increase it (many people end up settling on an effective yet sustainable 16:8 intermittent fasting schedule). Don’t jump off the diving board before you’re comfortable in the shallow end. Just as important: Getting at least eight hours of stellar sleep nightly, managing stress levels, maintaining a healthy social and spiritual life, and consuming the right foods to support your fasting efforts and cultivate amazing health. When you maintain other good habits, you’ll find fasting becomes easier and creates more lasting benefits. Of course, no plan works for everyone, including fasting. If you’re interested, give it a fair try: Commit to at least 30 days of fasting before you ultimately decide whether it works for you. (If you notice any adverse effects while fasting, stop your fasting routine and talk with your health care professional.)

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