While you’re probably best off ignoring much of the chitchat across the internet and your social feeds anyway, all the noise out there does reflect an important truth: As with most things in the world of health and wellness, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to supplements—even one as seemingly basic as a multivitamin. You see, when it comes to multis, quality and completeness matter big-time—and not every bottle out there is of the same caliber. In order to actually serve its most basic purpose of filling the nutrient gaps you might be experiencing (which nationally representative research1 demonstrates are widespread), a multivitamin has to contain adequate amounts of the right forms of the micronutrients you need. Thing is, the types and amounts of various micronutrients multivitamins offer vary a lot from product to product. And some leave out certain nutrients completely. To truly benefit from a daily multivitamin, you’ve got to put on your detective hat and find yourself the right one. Don’t worry; it’s a worthwhile effort. “Dietary supplement use is associated with increased micronutrient intake, decreased inadequacies, and lower risk of nutrient deficiencies, with greater benefits seen among older adults and those with lower socioeconomic status,”* says Connie Weaver, Ph.D., a renowned nutrition researcher and professor of nutrition science at Purdue University. When done right, supplements like multivitamins really can make a difference.* Ferira’s ideal list of ingredients for a truly comprehensive multi: Ferira explains that “thoughtful multi formulas consider the bioavailability of the ingredient in the gut and the bioactivity of that ingredient in the body, to maximize its critical health functions and benefits.”* She goes on to divulge this nutrition intel: “Zinc bisglycinate (an amino acid chelate), vitamin D3 (as opposed to its inferior counterpart, D2), the menaquinone-7 form of vitamin K2, and methylated B vitamins are just a few examples of nutrients with a science-backed bioavailability and bioactivity. Look for these in a robust multi formula.”* Take just one area of the body, your bones, for example. “A multi with science-backed levels of vitamin D3, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K2 directly supports healthy bones,”* says Ferira. There are a few nutrients, in particular, that typically get shortchanged here: “Multivitamins typically come up short on calcium and potassium…and may not contain enough vitamin D,” says dietitian Elizabeth Ward, M.S., RDN, author of Expect the Best: Your Guide to Healthy Eating Before, During, and After Pregnancy.  Ferira adds that additionally, “iron, magnesium, and the full array of trace minerals are also excluded by many not-so-complete multivitamin formulas, and botanical phytonutrients at clinically researched levels are incredibly rare to find in a multi.” As long as you’re consistent with your multivitamin routine, you’ll help deliver nutritional benefits that can, according to Ward, affect everything from energy and immune function to bone and nerve health—and more.* Here are seven science-backed benefits to keep top-of-mind:  And let’s not forget that a quality multi would also include other immune-centric nutrients like vitamins A and D3, iron, selenium, and other trace minerals.* Plus, an improved supply of micronutrients allows for a “metabolic tuneup4” as Bruce Ames, Ph.D., famous researcher and biochemistry and molecular biology professor at the University of California–Berkeley dubs it. This, he writes, allows us to “maximize human health and lifespan.”* Ferira explains that “beyond vitamins and minerals that all the cells in your body require daily, there are other unique bioactives—often derived from plants, no surprise there—that combat oxidative stress and support cellular resilience and longevity.”* Some of the MVPs in this category include glutathione, your body’s master antioxidant, carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene), resveratrol, and CoQ10.* Your brain, of course, relies on a wide variety of nutrients in order to function optimally. Just a few worth mentioning: all6 eight B vitamins6 (which have a hand in everything from energy production to DNA synthesis and repair to neurochemical production), vitamin D7 (which supports neuronal tissue), resveratrol8 (the antioxidant supports parts of the brain associated with memory), and the antioxidant glutathione9 (which helps the brain combat oxidative stress head-on).* Hair, meanwhile, in addition to plenty of amino acids from protein, needs ample biotin11, as well as the trace mineral silica12, according to Ferira.* And, the health of (and visual changes in) our nails, finally, provide major insights13 into whether or not we’re meeting our nutritional needs over time or facing micronutrient inadequacy (for example, vitamin C), Ferira adds.* Given the wide variety of nutrients our hair, skin, and nails depend on, taking a quality multivitamin (particularly one that contains antioxidant compounds from plants) is a great way to support them, says Ferira.* Of course, other micronutrients—including vitamin K214 and minerals15 zinc, iron, selenium, silica, copper, boron, and manganese—also support bone density, quality, and strength.* And as it turns out, “A comprehensive multivitamin that includes this diverse array of trace minerals and the K2 form of vitamin K is a rarity,” Ferira adds. The simple to-do here: to support nutritional sufficiency—and musculoskeletal and joint health—with a comprehensive daily multi.* Noticing a trend here? Getting ample amounts of all the different micronutrients has far-reaching effects throughout your body.* Special bonus: Multis that contain carotenoid antioxidants17 (think zeaxanthin and lutein) go the extra mile in providing incremental support for your peepers.* Also good to know? Clinical evidence also shows that the antioxidants lutein18, zeaxanthin19, and lycopene20 support cardiovascular health.* (And you’d better believe that mbg’s ultimate multivitamin+ contains all three!) Make the right selection—and take it regularly—and you’ll support nutrient sufficiency that promotes health in truly myriad ways.*

7 Multivitamin Benefits   How To Find One That Really Works  - 817 Multivitamin Benefits   How To Find One That Really Works  - 237 Multivitamin Benefits   How To Find One That Really Works  - 107 Multivitamin Benefits   How To Find One That Really Works  - 99