But I’ve since come to honor and respect my cycle, and I actually enjoy getting my period. I’ve learned how to live more in sync with my cycle, and it has completely changed the way I live my life. Here are seven of my favorite period hacks, because why not enjoy this time? But how can it help with your period? Magnesium helps our muscles relax, which can alleviate menstrual cramps. It also helps to prevent migraines and headaches, and reduces fluid retention and bloating—other common problems associated with this time of the month. Try taking a high quality, chelated magnesium supplement. Of course, if you’re on any medications or have a medical condition, consult with your doctor first. This doesn’t give you the green light to just veg on the couch all day though! It’s important to keep moving, with gentle exercise known to improve menstrual flow and reduce pain. Exercise such as gentle yoga, stretching and walking are perfect. Or just bring your favorite exercise down to a more relaxed pace. A simple approach is to record when your period starts, when it finishes, the heaviness of your bleed and the color. If you’re having any challenging symptoms, record when they’re happening in your cycle, and their severity. It’s also a good idea to include any lifestyle changes you make, from diet to exercise to the amount of sex you’re having. There you have it, seven hacks to optimize your period. Your cycle is full of information and is a communication coming directly from your body, so take advantage of the opportunity to listen and go inward. You’ll be surprised at how much you can glean just by tuning in.

7 Things To Do While You re On Your Period - 177 Things To Do While You re On Your Period - 387 Things To Do While You re On Your Period - 81