That said, as is the case with most solutions, exercise doesn’t work for everyone. In some cases, working out can actually trigger or intensify anxiety—which is, we assume, the opposite of what we all want. Of course, everyone is different (surprise!), which makes this topic a bit tricky. A workout that stokes one person’s anxiety could be totally fine for another, and some people with anxiety can do any type of workout and feel fine. It’s probably going to take some trial and error on your end, but there are some workouts that are more likely to increase our anxiety—ones that anxious folks may want to avoid. To get some answers, we asked holistic psychiatrist Ellen Vora, M.D., and trained gynecologist and obstetrician Anna Cabeca, D.O., to weigh in.  Again, this will not be the case for everyone, but it is definitely possible, and if it’s happening to you, you probably have a few questions like… That said, there are specific workouts that tend to increase anxiety—specifically long endurance exercises, like anything super strenuous or rigorous. “Oftentimes long endurance exercises can trigger anxiety,” Cabeca explains. “It can have an effect on cortisol levels, and that can cause an increase in anxiety symptoms by suppressing serotonin production.” So if you’re anxiety-prone and routinely do strenuous workouts, it could be worth seeking out other, less grueling options. “The types of workouts that work best for anxiety are ones that reduce cortisol naturally,” says Cabeca. “Any exercise that helps your body rebalance without creating too much demand or pull on your other hormones.” An excellent choice for this, she adds, is yoga. “Yoga in general has a beneficial effect on well-being and on hormonal balance. It reduces cortisol, increases the circulation of our other hormones.” Steady state cardio, like running or going on an elliptical, also have their benefits, she says. In particular, they release a lot of endorphins and increase our overall relaxation. She does, however, favor HIIT over cardio, simply because HIIT provides many other health benefits. “I recommend HIIT because it produces the best results for the individual,” Cabeca says. “It can increase testosterone and growth hormone, which we like—and can also help us sleep.” And if you’re someone who often experiences anxiety after exercise, please know that you’re not alone and you have options. There’s an enjoyable, anxiety-crushing workout out there for everyone—and finding an activity you love is a great place to start. “My advice for people who are prone to anxiety but still want to reap the benefits of exercise is to always choose an exercise you enjoy,” Cabeca says. “Anything from strength training to long walks, to yoga or boxing. Find the exercise that you get joy from doing. Period.”

Does Exercising Make Anxiety Worse  What Experts Think - 13Does Exercising Make Anxiety Worse  What Experts Think - 80Does Exercising Make Anxiety Worse  What Experts Think - 67