According to dream tracker Lauri Loewenberg, snakes are the third most common animal her clients dream about, behind dogs and cats. We asked Loewenberg about the many things your snake dreams could be telling you, plus how to process the dream and integrate some of its lessons so you can slither on. No dream is random, according to Loewenberg, and while there are common interpretations and symbolism, if you have a personal connection to content within the dream (even things like colors or numbers), that’s the first thing to pay attention to. With that in mind, she says that “the snake most often is going to represent a toxic person or situation in your life.” Depending on the specifics of your dream’s plot, here are all the things a snake can mean: “If it’s a really frequent dream and it’s been going on for a long time, what issue in your life has been going on for as long as the dream has?” Loewenberg asks. “Look at how you are behaving and reacting to the dream, because it will tell you how you’re behaving and reacting in real life.” RELATED: Vivid Dreams: Meanings, Why They Happen & What To Do “Our dreams are a commentary on our days,” Loewenberg adds. “So, look at the day before, and compare the dream to the previous day. Do the emotions correlate? Do the actions or conversations correlate? That will help you figure out exactly what it is the dream is commenting on.” Once you think you have a good idea of what the dream is trying to tell you, you can “start working on how you can actively correct or end the situation,” she says. Once you take action and are able to resolve the issue in real life, the dream should stop. “Look at the dream not as something to be afraid of or annoyed by,” she adds. “Look at it as a huge help your subconscious has given to you.” RELATED: Dreams 101: What They Are, Why We Have Them & How To Interpret Them

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