While the energy of a full moon lasts for about three days before and after the lunation, the moon is technically only full for a moment—when the sun and the moon are directly opposite each other in the sky (and on the zodiac wheel!). While the new moon is a time to set intentions for the future and launch new projects, the full moon is a time of culmination and fruition. Starting with the “dark” phase of the new moon, the lunar surface gathers light over a two-week period, then manifests as a full moon. When the moon is completely full, it’s a spiritual and energetic pinnacle of whatever you started when the sun and the moon united at the new moon. Once the full moon arrives, the waning (decreasing) moon phase begins. As the moon wanes and the light starts to dwindle, we can begin to release what’s no longer working for us. It’s a great time to reflect on what you’ve built during the waxing phase while shedding anything that doesn’t feel right. As the moon wanes, we can tie up any loose ends and say goodbye to what’s not serving our own highest mission. Four to six times a year, the new and full moons are also eclipses. Eclipses are agents of change and growth, often prompting sudden turning points in our lives. Where have we been procrastinating or avoiding a decision? The eclipses will reveal that and can force our hands. In fact, their energies can play out for several months! Solar eclipses happen at the new moon when, from our vantage point, the moon appears to cover the sun, either partially or fully. Lunar eclipses fall at the full moon when the earth stands directly between the moon and the sun, casting a palette of red, brown, and black shadows on the moon! In essence, eclipses are intensified new and full moons that force us to level up our game! RELATED: 7 Best Manifestation Methods To Manifest All Your Desires You can say your full moon intentions aloud while you’re relaxing in the tub as you imagine the full moon restoring every cell of your body. Or, take a dip in a lake, ocean, or pool (if weather and circumstances permit) or bottle up your own moon water. You can use this cosmic info to help guide your areas of focus for the next few weeks. There are countless ways to engage with full moon energy. Remember, full moons are meant to be times of celebration, victory, and release. Make the energy work for you, and try not to stress about it.

Full Moon  How To Harness The Energy   Make It Work For You - 73Full Moon  How To Harness The Energy   Make It Work For You - 28Full Moon  How To Harness The Energy   Make It Work For You - 13Full Moon  How To Harness The Energy   Make It Work For You - 10Full Moon  How To Harness The Energy   Make It Work For You - 8Full Moon  How To Harness The Energy   Make It Work For You - 82Full Moon  How To Harness The Energy   Make It Work For You - 20