Besides being unhealthy, constipation is uncomfortable, frustrating, and stressful to deal with. Believe me, I know the feeling well — I dealt with chronic constipation for years. My dietary choices, combined with the stress of being in an unhappy marriage, wreaked havoc on my digestive system. I didn’t realize that all the emotional stress I was experiencing was literally backing me up. At the time, I was stuffing my emotions and not in touch with my true feelings — and my body literally started holding everything in. That’s why, to me, chronic constipation is one of the first signs that you’re not listening to your body. It’s a sign that you’re not feeding your body, mind, and soul with the proper foods, thoughts, and feelings. So in order to have total healing, both the physical and the emotional areas need to be addressed. Over-the-counter laxatives may ease the symptoms for a while — but they won’t treat the root cause of constipation. It was only after I starting listening to my body, became a certified holistic health coach, and went through a trial-and-error process to discover the natural treatments that worked best for me that I finally got the condition under control. Here are the five natural methods I used to cure my constipation for good: What works for your body may be completely different from that of a family member or friend. So one of the most powerful things you can do to eliminate constipation or any digestive ailment is to pay attention to what’s going on in your body the first hour after you consume specific foods. By incorporating this into your routine, you’ll pinpoint what specific foods are backing you up and what foods are promoting healthy digestion. I like to use the analogy of a dirty dish that has dried food stuck on it. When the dish is submerged into water, the food particles slowly start loosening up and coming off. It’s the same thing with your digestive system. Staying hydrated and drinking the proper amount of water for your body is key to avoiding constipation. Once again, I believe that different people need different amounts of water — the standard advice of eight glasses a day isn’t right for everyone. It’s something you need to figure out by listening to your body. Experiment and see what amount has you eliminating more and feeling your best. Fortunately, massage is one of the most preventive and stress-relieving modalities that exist. Studies show that it helps relax the muscles, reduce stress, and even lower blood pressure. Plus, massage therapists can use certain techniques to coax the digestive system into moving properly and loosening everything up. A 2009 study in the International Journal of Nursing Studies found that abdominal massages significantly decreased constipation and led to more trips to the bathroom. A good abdominal massage by a licensed professional, in conjunction with drinking water, can be very effective. Be sure you’re consuming pure olive oil that’s not mixed with any other oils, like canola or vegetable oil. And don’t worry about the fat content — the healthy fats in olive oil and avocados are great for many systems of your body. So, I recommend taking time to evaluate your feelings and ask yourself some questions: Is there something you’re withholding? Maybe something you’re not in communication about that you need to be? Are you silently stuffing your emotions or even denying that they exist? Holistic health is achieved not only by eating well and being active but by processing and allowing yourself to experience your authentic feelings. Related Reads:

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