Here, we’re taking a closer look at indigo auras—including different shades and what they mean, plus how to work with indigo aura energy, according to experts. As spiritual author Gabriela Herstik previously explained to mbg, your aura is a reflection of your current energetic state. “Even though we might have a lot of purple in our aura one day, it may not be as prominent the next,” she says. That said, here are a few different shades of indigo auras and what they mean. These folks have a “sixth sense” when it comes to understanding the people they’re around, she explains, adding, “They not only see behaviors, words, and actions, but they take the extra step of diving into the reasons behind how a person behaves.” They have a knack for intuitively understanding someone’s trauma without having to be told, and may find themselves emotionally susceptible to those around them, more so than other aura colors. “While still rich in its hue, it’s less dense and easily able to transfer light—meaning they’re able to see that the emotions, thoughts, and feelings of others are not theirs and not always their responsibility to tend to and heal,” she explains. As Michaela explains, indigo folks can easily pick up on others’ energy and are also very open to “intense spiritual downloads.” As such, the crown chakra can get a bit backlogged, so they have to “constantly concentrate on clearing it,” she says. And since these people may have trouble discerning whether messages, visualizations, and feelings are their own or another person’s, “Indigos can work specifically with their third-eye chakra to ensure that they can differentiate that,” Michaela notes. This can look like being bothered by bright lights, loud noises, and other environmental distractions, she explains. Things like social media, large group settings, and leadership positions can drain them as well, so it’s particularly important for this aura to protect their energy and honor their need for space and solitude. “They feel it necessary to be the one to help, heal, and fix another, and this can get complicated when someone is finding themselves constantly on the giving end of relationships and never the receiving,” she explains. This can become a pattern, attracting draining relationships and people who need to be nurtured and healed. And further, Michaela adds, “Indigos can feel awkward about asking for what they need or even being aware of their needs in the first place.” So, she says, “Taking time to separate their needs from their partner’s is an essential component in a long-lasting and healthy partnership for an indigo.” “Because indigos are amazing at nonverbal cues, communication, and creating comfortable environments for others to feel safe, validated, and heard, they end up being amazing in one-on-one positions,” she explains, noting she often meets indigos who are therapists or who work with children, animals, or the elderly. “Indigos love authenticity, light-working, and working with people who are genuine. They also need to see something through from start to finish, so working one-on-one with someone rather than 10 people at once is more rewarding for an indigo aura,” Michaela adds. That said, they may not get into a deep discussion with you at a party, but in the right setting, they’re happy to dive in. “Indigos love a deep conversation and tend to avoid small talk,” Michaela explains, adding, “Because they automatically feel the emotional depths of anyone they meet, they skip right to the heart of any matter.” And lastly, these folks really appreciate vulnerability and honesty, with an ability to see the good in anyone. So, don’t be afraid to be yourself—“they will love you all the more for it,” Michaela notes.

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