Similar to goal setting, intention setting can help us sustain a positive outlook as we move into the future. As spiritual teacher Gary Zukav says, “every intention sets energy into motion, whether you are conscious of it or not.” Follow this simple four-step process to create crystal-clear intentions. When choosing a crystal to work with, first focus on its color and shape and not its purported properties. Your intuition will lead you in the right direction, toward a crystal that will help you manifest what you truly need in your life. There are many ways to clear or cleanse your crystal: You can set it under a full moon for the evening, cleanse it with herbal smoke, or soak it in a sea salt bath. (Before you place it in liquid, make sure your crystal does not have lots of little holes or ridges where water can enter and damage the stone.) When choosing an intention to set, think of the bigger picture. For example, don’t set the intention: “I want to win a million dollars.” Instead, set one like this: “I wish to bring new financial opportunities into my life, along with the courage to follow these opportunities.” Still your mind and begin to focus on your crystal and the intention you have chosen for it. Describe your intention aloud, and repeat these words until you intuitively feel this energy has connected with your crystal. Revisit and reset your intentions regularly to continue on your journey.

Intention Setting With Gemstones   Crystals  A 4 Step Routine - 59Intention Setting With Gemstones   Crystals  A 4 Step Routine - 93Intention Setting With Gemstones   Crystals  A 4 Step Routine - 25