“Kapha manifests in the physical realm as thick or dense body tissues or bones, soft skin, big, dreamy eyes, and a general softness or roundness to features,” explains Milla Stanton, an ayurvedic health educator. Kaphas tend to gain weight easily and may struggle to lose it. Emotionally, those who are kapha-dominant are loyal, patient, thoughtful, nurturing, and calm. When in balance, kaphas are drawn to routines. Though they tend to be slow to pick up new habits, they are great at sticking with them for the long haul. Too much kapha can lead to stubbornness and avoidance. Those who have a kapha imbalance should also reach for energizing essential oils like cinnamon and eucalyptus and surround themselves with warm, bright colors like red, yellow, orange, and green. A dry brushing routine can help promote movement and circulation in the body too. Eating for your dosha can go a long way in keeping you feeling great, but keep in mind that this kind of intentional eating is more a practice and less a list of hard-and-fast rules. Make time for mindful stretching, too: “Stretching is good for kaphas because their joints and ligaments tend to be less elastic and more rigid than other doshic types,” says Stanton.

Kapha Dosha  Understanding The Ayurveda Type   Tips For Balancing - 85Kapha Dosha  Understanding The Ayurveda Type   Tips For Balancing - 23Kapha Dosha  Understanding The Ayurveda Type   Tips For Balancing - 76Kapha Dosha  Understanding The Ayurveda Type   Tips For Balancing - 81Kapha Dosha  Understanding The Ayurveda Type   Tips For Balancing - 70