Reality check: We modern-day humans spend a LOT of time sitting. Whether it’s because we work all day behind a computer, spend time in a car or on a train commuting, or any other reason—it’s an unfortunate reality that we spend a lot of time stationary. Your 4-week challenge: Every week this month (keep an eye out for a new workout every Monday), I’ll be sharing a routine that targets various parts of your body, all with some core work. By the end of the month, I encourage you to make core work a regular part of your weekly routine—whether that’s one day a week, three, or even daily. I can’t wait to hear how you do!

mbg moves with Helen Phelan  Strong Glutes   Hip Relief - 27mbg moves with Helen Phelan  Strong Glutes   Hip Relief - 13mbg moves with Helen Phelan  Strong Glutes   Hip Relief - 22mbg moves with Helen Phelan  Strong Glutes   Hip Relief - 8