They could physically be in the room sitting right next to you, but you can still feel alone because you’re not being emotionally seen and taken care of. Below, the characteristics of a one-sided relationship, the common signs you may be in one, what causes them, and more. If this sounds exhausting, it’s because it is—physically, mentally, and spiritually. A relationship should feel like a safe harbor to play, relax, and weather the storm together. A one-sided relationship doesn’t enrich your life significantly because the construct doesn’t consistently promote meaningful connection and constructive conflict.  It becomes overwhelming and tiring for the self-sacrificing partner to manage the relationship on their own when it should be a responsibility shared by both parties to nurture and move the relationship along.  RELATED: The 5 Stages Of A Relationship Every Couple Goes Through If family members regularly engaged in emotional avoidance at home, emotions that are perfectly normal to express could have been received with negative attention instead of acceptance. Family members who expressed these normal emotions may have been labeled as being too much, too emotional, or overly sensitive.  “Individuals who grow up in these environments can grow to take too much or too little responsibility or take responsibility for things that aren’t theirs to own,” Kim notes. “Unless they learn otherwise, through therapy or other forms of self-development, these exhausted individuals will likely replicate what kinds of relationship dynamics they were used to because, frankly, that’s what their bodies know,” she explains. “Familiar chaos can feel less scary than unfamiliar peace and harmony.” Here are tips from Williams on how to move the relationship to a healthier place and transform the dynamic into one where both parties feel mutually heard and understood: If you’ve reached your breaking point, she recommends doing what’s best for you and ending the relationship. Additionally, if your partner isn’t willing to hear you out or adjust their behavior, that’s a sign that it may be time to move on.  “If the partner responds with defensiveness, blame, or gaslighting, then it’s not likely that much will change in the relationship anytime soon,” Kim says. “Unless the partner voluntarily chooses to own their own choices and responsibilities, the relationship is set up to stay one-sided. The irresponsible party has a vested interest in keeping the one-sidedness going and maintaining the status quo because they could afford to not do anything further.” 

One Sided Relationships  24 Signs  Causes   Ways To Fix It - 56One Sided Relationships  24 Signs  Causes   Ways To Fix It - 26One Sided Relationships  24 Signs  Causes   Ways To Fix It - 10