In other words: Resveratrol could be the secret to having your baguette and eating it too (with butter and a glass of merlot, of course). Here are seven ways resveratrol promotes whole-body health: Additionally, resveratrol has been found to support healthy aging by activating sirtuins2 (i.e., regulatory genes and key players in cellular aging and longevity), and maintaining telomere length and integrity3.* “Is resveratrol the fountain of youth? I wouldn’t go that far, but these findings sure are interesting and make me think about how I can increase my exposure to this powerhouse compound,” integrative gastroenterologist Marvin Singh, M.D., wrote in a previous mbg article. We know from 2021 research in Clinical Nutrition that improvements via daily resveratrol supplementation at 150 milligrams have been documented for verbal memory as well. Interestingly, a 2016 preclinical study in mice published in the Journal of Neurophysiology demonstrated that resveratrol helps maintain the integrity and function6 of the blood-brain barrier (BBB).* The BBB is vitally important to brain longevity and cognitive function, as its main roles include ensuring the brain gets the nutrients it needs via blood and protecting the brain (particularly the hippocampus, a part of the brain associated with memory and learning) from unwanted toxins. In a 2017 Nutrients study of postmenopausal women, taking 150 milligrams of resveratrol daily was found to increase cerebrovascular responsiveness4 (CVR)—i.e., the blood vessels’ ability to dilate in order to match blood flow to tissue demand—by 17%.* CVR is critical for optimized circulatory function in the brain, making it a valuable measurement of cerebral blood flow and overall brain health. When it comes to heart health, resveratrol is cardioprotective, which means it’s been found to promote cardiovascular function in myriad ways (largely thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions).* In a 2019 scientific review from International Journal of Molecular Sciences, resveratrol was found to reduce vascular oxidative stress and arterial stiffness8.* Resveratrol also helps increase endothelial nitric oxide production, which helps blood vessels dilate and constrict to promote healthy blood pressure levels8.* What’s more, we know that resveratrol supplementation (at 150 milligrams taken daily) significantly improves cerebrovascular responsiveness4 to cognitive stimuli in women ages 45 to 85 and that this netted positive gains in the brain domain of verbal memory (you know, recalling words throughout your day!).* Resveratrol and other antioxidants are often found in healthy aging supplements and skin care products for this exact reason. This is, in part, thanks to resveratrol’s role in activating the SIRT1 protein12, which is encoded by the “longevity gene” (aka SIRT1).* In addition to regulating endocrine function, the SIRT1 protein promotes DNA integrity and protects cells from oxidative stress, which has positive implications for immune resilience overall. So, how much resveratrol is in these foods, exactly? Let’s look at some common foods with resveratrol and how much of the potent antioxidant you’re getting per serving: Nutrition scientist Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN, explains that, “A meaningful dose of resveratrol for health is about 75 milligrams and up. From targeted brain health research, we know that benefits for cerebral blood flow, verbal memory, and cognitive performance are observed at 150 milligrams of daily resveratrol.”* Wearing her dietitian hat, Feria puts this into perspective with our daily diet: “Want to eat or drink your way to 150 milligrams of resveratrol? That’ll be 21 cups of mulberries or 300 glasses of wine.” Or, “have your berries and supplement, too. They are both helpful and healthful. The latter is just a way more targeted and concentrated resveratrol source for functional brain health gains,”* she concludes. When considering a supplement with resveratrol, you should look for a clinically relevant dose (i.e., the amount shown to provide health benefits in clinical studies) of 75 to 150 milligrams.* Supplementing with this meaningful dose of resveratrol and including resveratrol-rich foods in your diet will ensure you’re reaping all the benefits of this anti-inflammatory, antioxidant powerhouse.* mbg’s brain guard+ offers 150 milligrams of Veri-Te™ resveratrol, which is clinically shown to promote cognitive performance, cerebral blood flow, and even mood support19.* From 2011 preclinical research published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, it’s known that pairing Japanese knotweed with piperine (a compound in black pepper) significantly increases resveratrol’s bioavailability by way of aiding in its absorption21.* That’s exactly why we combined these two buddy botanicals in our ultimate multivitamin+ formula to ensure that resveratrol’s absorption (and thus, antioxidant activity and longevity benefits) are fully maximized.* When including resveratrol in a supplement formula, the source will dictate whether or not the phytonutrient needs to be paired with another botanical to be properly absorbed. Thanks to cutting-edge technology, fermentation-derived resveratrol Veri-Te™ doesn’t require piperine (or other buddy botanicals) to achieve brain health efficacy, as demonstrated by multiple clinical trials discussed above.*

Resveratrol  Health Benefits  Sources  Dosage   Bioavailability - 97Resveratrol  Health Benefits  Sources  Dosage   Bioavailability - 87Resveratrol  Health Benefits  Sources  Dosage   Bioavailability - 80Resveratrol  Health Benefits  Sources  Dosage   Bioavailability - 65