Immune health continues to be more top of mind than ever. But as fall rolls around, we find ourselves with extra reasons to double-down on immunity. And if you think that just means stocking up on the vitamin C supplements—your immunity regimen may be a fall fixer-upper.* Vitamin D is also essential for promoting immune system health, and chances are, you need more of it.* Many of us have insufficient vitamin D levels, and even more so4 when cold weather comes around. And how does that affect immunity? Well, where to begin? Adequate levels of vitamin D help our innate and adaptive immune systems function with success.* Vitamin D also helps increase immune cell production of 4key peptides4 that are critical for our natural defense mechanisms.* So as you’re building your immunity tool kit this fall, d.velop’s ImmunityPlus goes in first…because this fast and effective vitamin D supplement isn’t messing around.*† Fall arrives as an invitation for us to slow down after the rush of summer. It’s a fleeting window of time for us to dial in what matters: the health we often take for granted. Protecting our health isn’t just about avoiding outside offenders. It’s about protecting the things we love—be it a chilly morning with a cup of tea or apple picking—and getting the most out of every moment. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. † Clinical studies5 have shown that ampli-D™ can achieve sufficient vitamin D status (30 ng/mL) on average 3X faster, and is 3X more effective, compared to the same mcg amount of conventional vitamin D3. Source: Quesada-Gomez and Bouillon. Osteoporosis Int. 2018; 29:1697–1711. Devon’s first book, Earth Women, is coming soon. To learn more, join the mailing list, and receive updates, head to

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