Chronic levels of stress and not enough downtime is a recipe for adrenal fatigue and the longer the chronic stress is present in your life, the greater the chance your adrenal glands will become taxed. One of the easiest ways you can nourish your adrenal glands today is by taking a look at your diet. By adding in some adrenal superfoods that are rich in healthy fat and foods that support healthy cholesterol levels and promote optimal B-vitamin intake, you can say goodbye to chronic fatigue, brain fog, and burnout. Start to implement these foods into your day-to-day life to feel more vibrant, refreshed, and energized: One of the most important parts of eating to support adrenal health is to eat real food. Why? Because eating whole and natural foods will help your body combat inflammation, better manage glucose levels, and sustain energy. All three are incredibly important factors in supporting your adrenal health. Ditch the processed and sugary foods and stick to the real options such as the foods on this list. Here are a couple of other tips to help you get started: These are the top foods for fighting inflammation. Plus, this diet will keep your blood sugar balanced all day long (so good for those adrenals!). She was initially introduced to functional medicine as a patient after struggling with many of the issues her own patients struggle with today. She has made it her mission to help patients all around the world with her virtual practice. Campbell specializes in Hashimoto’s disease, and she hopes to help others regain their life as functional medicine helped her regain hers.

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