Still curious about the Master Cleanse? Here’s a breakdown of what it is, how to follow it, and what you need to know about the risks. The central feature of this program is the Master Cleanse lemonade made with water, fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and pure, organic maple syrup. This drink, which is the only calorie-containing item allowed, is consumed six to 12 times a day for 10 days. You’ll also sip on a saltwater flush in the morning and laxative tea before bed (laxative teas vary by ingredients, but some include senna leaf, which has the potential to help shed excess water). That said, there are some reported benefits to fasting. A 12019 study published in PlosOne, looked at a Buchinger periodic fasting program (a fasting diet of only fruit and vegetable juices, as well as tea and mineral water) with fasting periods between four and 21 days. While this diet is a little different than the Master Cleanse, both programs allow you to reach a fasted state. Researchers found in this study that after the one-year observational period, periodic fasting led to weight loss and improvements in several cardiovascular risk factors1 in the 1,422 subjects. Additionally, the use of lemons during fasting protocols has been shown to improve weight loss, due to their vitamin C content. A 22016 study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine states that low levels of vitamin C are associated with increased BMI and central fat distribution. On the other hand, increased vitamin C intake is associated with higher HDL levels (that’s the good cholesterol). The study found that drinking a beverage of lemon water and honey during a four-day fast led to an average weight loss of 4.8 pounds2. Although studies and research about the benefits of various fasting protocols exist, there are no studies to support the specific claims3 made by the Master Cleanse (and other similar diets) and its ability to remove harmful toxins from the body or improve overall health. The cleanse can also cause dehydration or electrolyte disturbances, due to the intense calorie restriction, as well as if you’re “purging” toxins without rebalancing them back (after all, optimal health is truly all about balance). What he means is, as soon as the cleanse is over and you go back to eating food, the weight has the potential to come right back on. Here’s how it’s done: For 10 days, a special drink is consumed–it contains freshly squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, pure maple syrup, and water (full recipe down below!). That’s it—no food or other calorie-containing beverages are allowed.  Each morning a saltwater flush (another recipe to come) is consumed, followed by several glasses of cleansing lemonade throughout the day. In terms of when to drink the cleansing lemonade, it’s up to the individual, as long as they drink six to 12 glasses a day. Then the day is completed with a cup of senna-based herbal tea.  To prepare the body for 10 days of a liquid-only diet, it’s recommended to ease into the program by eliminating processed food and sugar, alcohol, caffeine, dairy, and meat, for three days. During this time, pureed soups, broths, and fresh fruit and vegetable juices are allowed. After the 10 days are done, it’s best to ease out of the cleanse slowly by periodically adding in solid foods. According to McGrath, the risks outweigh the benefits. “It’s not sustainable, it does not help you make a permanent lifestyle change, it can cause muscle loss, and it’s not an enjoyable way of eating.” “In regards to detoxification, the body’s kidneys and liver are natural detoxifiers, meaning that structured detoxes are not necessary,” she continues. Instead, she recommends focusing on eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking more water to maximize your vitamin and mineral content. All of these essential nutrients play an important role in your body’s natural detox process. More specifically, McGrath recommends cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, along with allium veggies like garlic and onions, which contain certain sulfur-based compounds that help activate detoxification enzymes and promote other detox-related functions.  Seltzer also recommends avoiding this plan, despite the touted weight loss benefits. “You should avoid cleanses, especially for weight loss. This plan doesn’t address the issues that get people into trouble in the first place, so they will still be there when the cleanse is over. If you are going to do it anyway, talk to your doctor first to make sure it is not going to be dangerous for you.” If you’re trying to lose weight, Seltzer says your best bet is to eat healthier foods and move more. “How you should do it depends on your lifestyle, food preferences, activity level, and other unique factors,” he says. For example, some people do well with intermittent fasting, whereas others must eat breakfast to maintain a calorie deficit. The bottom line is this: You would be better off experimenting with what works best for your body. You might lose water weight, but that weight usually comes back on once you start eating “regularly."

The Master Cleanse Diet  Pros  Cons   An Expert How To Guide - 79The Master Cleanse Diet  Pros  Cons   An Expert How To Guide - 79The Master Cleanse Diet  Pros  Cons   An Expert How To Guide - 97The Master Cleanse Diet  Pros  Cons   An Expert How To Guide - 15