While it’s often considered “the world’s favorite color” and linked with the Earth through bodies of water and the sky, we also use the word “blue” to describe feeling down (i.e., Sadness in the movie Inside Out is even depicted as an all-blue character, and “blues” music is quintessentially somber). One of the most prolific painters in history, Pablo Picasso, even created a series of blue paintings in the early 1900s with a distinctly sad feel—aptly named his “blue period.” And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. As color therapist Walaa AlMuhaiteeb previously told mbg, the shade of blue matters too. Light blue is associated with acceptance and truth. Indigo, a dark blue, almost purple hue, on the other hand, is all about intuition and breaking through illusion, she says. “It’s also a frequency of opening new doors to uplift the world in a different way or looking at the world in a different way,” she explains. Blue is also associated with the throat chakra, the energy center in the body that deals with self-expression, communication, and truth. And in terms of how this color impacts us, research has indicated it can influence our mood, too. One 2018 study published in the journal Chinese Medicine found that when applied therapeutically, blue improved the anxiousness of Pakistani college students. And another study in the Journal of Business Research1 discovered that clothing stores with blue interiors were associated with “more favorable evaluations, marginally greater excitement, higher store patronage intentions, and higher purchase intentions than are orange interiors.” As professional dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg previously told mbg, the way you feel in dreams often reflects how you’re feeling in your waking life, so pay attention to the emotions evoked by the blue in your dreams and where those emotions are present in your life. As spiritual author Shannon Kaiser previously told mbg, since blue is closely related to truth, it lends itself to openness and honesty, as well as purity, expression, and communication. And according to spiritual YouTuber Karishma Hira, people with blue auras in relationships are trustworthy, creative, calm, and stable. “They have enough self-control to speak to you with respect,” she adds. And as aura reader and medium Megan Michaela Firester (aka Mystic Michaela) notes, these people also know “just what to do to make someone feel loved and comforted,” adding that in relationships they are givers and have an easier time helping than being helped in return.  Of course, as aforementioned, darker shades of blue aren’t always viewed so positively, and a murky blue aura can indicate struggles with expressing yourself. Check out our full guide to blue auras for more information. Ultimately, as Firester tells mbg, blue’s connection to the throat chakra relates to the need to speak up, give time to yourself to articulate your needs, and to create boundaries as well. “It also is related to needing to listen sometimes, and making sure you have the space in which you are listened to as well,” she notes. So to bring more blue into your life, think about how you need to be heard. “Taking the time to put words to your feelings and making space to hear yourself in this way can be very helpful,” Firester says, adding that singing, writing, and expressing yourself authentically will bring this chakra to balance. You could also incorporate more blue shades into your home décor. Just remember that from the feng shui POV, this isn’t recommended if you’re prone to feeling sad or lonely at home. Blue crystals such as lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, or sodalite, may also be worth adding to your spiritual toolbox, as they’re all associated with personal expression and the throat chakra. Similarly, doing candle rituals with a blue candle can help you work with this color. Light blue candles would be good if you’re having trouble accepting a situation or you want to tap into truth, AlMuhaiteeb notes, while an indigo candle “would be to call in a higher-frequency life purpose—things that are not only for your benefit but also has the collective in mind.” And of course, there are always natural bodies of water (or water rituals) to connect both with the color blue, but also Mother Earth and a larger sense of peace and calm.

The Spiritual Meaning Of Blue From Experts   How To Work With It - 71The Spiritual Meaning Of Blue From Experts   How To Work With It - 97The Spiritual Meaning Of Blue From Experts   How To Work With It - 63The Spiritual Meaning Of Blue From Experts   How To Work With It - 41