Collective consciousness is powerful, and when multiple people direct their energies toward one focus or goal, the results can be astounding. I personally help facilitate a reiki circle for a friend who has ALS. When we gather virtually, I’ll ask people to send light energy toward him, say prayers and blessings, or visualize him surrounded by healing light. This allows others who aren’t reiki certified to also lend their energy, which is channeled through me, the reiki practitioner, before being grounded and directed. My friend with ALS continually reports more feelings of peace, calm, and happiness after the circle. Additionally, it’s been a beautiful way for him to connect with all the friends and family he has across the world who can’t physically be with him. And it allows those friends and family members to also feel the connection.

What Is A Reiki Circle   How Can I Host One  - 25What Is A Reiki Circle   How Can I Host One  - 80What Is A Reiki Circle   How Can I Host One  - 58