And that is especially true of collagen peptides, as their sourcing can affect the quality of the supplement itself. Allow us to explain.  If you want to learn more about collagen and its functions, we recommend checking out our full guide to collagen. Trust us, there’s a lot to cover, so it deserves its own explainer.  “Our bodies always balance collagen production and degradation,” says board-certified dermatologist Gary Goldenberg, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. “When we are young, our bodies produce more collagen than we break down. That balance tips the wrong way with age since tissue regeneration decreases.”  This shift is natural and begins in your late 20s. In fact, collagen production peaks in your early to mid-20s, but after that high, it falls at a rate of about 1% per year. When women hit menopause, there’s another significant drop (about a 30% decline4) during a few-year period, but then the decline levels off again, but this time at about a 2% drop per year. In addition to the natural decline, it can also be exacerbated via lifestyle habits such as UV exposure and diet.  This is why people often decide to support their natural collagen production with supplementation.* But where do the collagen peptides in those products come from? And here’s the thing: Collagen is only present in the animal kingdom. So, to source collagen—it must be sourced from animals. And here are the most common sources:  As with all things you consume, you should be mindful of where your bovine collagen supplement is coming from. You should also consider how those cows were raised and what they were fed—both for your health and the health of the environment. Always seek out a bovine collagen supplement from an established company that sources their product from humanely raised, grass-fed, or pasture-raised cows. If the brand doesn’t call this out, that’s typically a red flag. For the sake of transparency, bonus points if the brand is able to identify where those cows were raised, too.  “Grass-fed collagen is the way to go,” Ariane Hundt, M.S., a clinical nutrition coach in New York City. Essentially it means that it’s derived from animals that were raised in strict standards—and this ensures better quality. “[It] means the animal has never been given any antibiotics, was able to forage and feed on greens, and wasn’t confined like factory animals,” Hundt explains. As for what to look for in your chicken-derived collagen? We suggest sticking to similar identifiers that you might see in egg or poultry aisles: Look for those made from free-range chickens.  As for sourcing, always look for clean, wild-caught, sustainable options. Most companies that follow these practices will call it out specifically, so look for this language on their website or label. Some brands go as far as getting their products third-party verified. If you have any doubt, you can always reach out to the company to see if they have sourcing information for their materials.  “I’m calling vegan collagen’s bluff. Sorry, there’s no such thing as vegan collagen,” writes mindbodygreen’s director of scientific affairs Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN, about the myth of vegan collagen.  Instead, it likely contains ingredients—like key nutrients and bioactives—known to support collagen production, synthesis, and health via various pathways.  “These collagen ‘boosters’ may include ingredients like amino acids (especially proline, lysine, and glycine), vitamins C and E for collagen production and cross-linking, a B complex for cellular energy, or botanical antioxidants to protect collagen from oxidative damage,”* she says. In fact, many standard collagen products include these ingredients because they are so helpful at aiding your overall collagen health.* If your vegan protein sources are delivering ample amino acid building blocks for collagen, then these helper compounds can support your body’s endogenous collagen production and function.*

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